June 28, 2010

Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith

Taryn's comments: 

Ida Mae Jones is a young woman who lives with her family on a farm in 1940s Louisiana. Her father had taught her how to fly a plane before he died. Ida Mae dreams of becoming a pilot, but as a black woman, she is unable to get a license. 

When the United States joins World War II, Ida Mae's older brother is shipped overseas.When Ida Mae learns of the new Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), she immediately wants to join. However, she soon learns that black women are not allowed. Ida Mae's skin is very light for a black woman, so she makes the dangerous choice to try to "pass" as white. She also alters her father's old pilot license to make it look like it's her own. 

Ida Mae loves being a WASP, and she excels as a pilot. She even makes a few good friends during training. But deep down she feels ashamed of herself for hiding her true identity. What will happen if her secret is revealed? Will her family forgive her hiding her true heritage? What will she do when the war is over? 

This is an excellent piece of historical fiction. Ida Mae felt like very real character that was easy to connect to. The story is very well-written and engaging. It piqued my interest about the WASP program and made me want to learn more. 

The ending was a little vague for me, but I suppose that's just another element that made the story feel real. The ends aren't always tied up nicely in real life!

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