October 5, 2010

Gravity by Tess Gerritsen

Sheila's comments:

Astronaut, flight surgeon Emma Watson has been selected to ride the space shuttle up to the International Space Station (ISS) to assist a sick, Japanese astronaut while her soon to be ex-husband, fellow physician/astronaut, Jack, is left behind. Unbeknownst to Emma and the crew, a seemingly harmless experiment about single-celled organisms found 19,000 ft deep of the Galapagos Rift gets drastically altered in the zero gravity atmosphere, and then a mouse eats some of the blue-green floating gel-like substance. The mouse bites a human, and the mouse dies, decays rapidly, and grossly explodes. Later, human corpses start exploding with meticulous, gross depictions. More fear spreads after the military does an autopsy of the corpse sent back to Earth and discovers that inside the corpse are growing, pulsating eggs that evolve every time it acquires a new host using the DIMA from each. They cannot kill it, so they decide to leave Emma and her crew aboard to die, while Jack watches from below. Will Emma survive? Will Jack save her in time?

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