October 23, 2010

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Bobbi's comments: 

I was recently told, by a library fairy I adore, that THIS book was something that needed to be read and discussed. She said nothing else about it...and I promptly put myself on the waiting list.

It was NOT what I was expecting...I thought it was about self-help or something. It has such a peaceful picture on the front. I had never examined my own feelings about this intense topic!

This book had me literally holding my breath and laughing OUT LOUD! I know, it's super thick and looks intimidating, but WOW is it worth it. I read it in a few days, and it would have been quicker but I had to feed my family and stuff like that! *smile*

I'll be thinking of this for weeks and months...and discussing it with anyone I can get to talk to me about books!

Check status at GPL or place book on hold.

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