January 22, 2011

The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan

Taryn's comments: 

I've been a fan of David Levithan's young adult novels for awhile, and I was really excited to hear that he would be writing a book for an adult audience too. His writing has a poetic quality to it that really draws me in. Once again I was blown away by the beauty of David Levithan's writing and his ability really make me feel deeply for the characters. The format of this book is really unique - it's written in the form of dictionary entries that tell the story of a relationship between two adults. But don't let the strange format deter you from picking up the book - it's definitely more interesting than reading a Webster's dictionary! While the format made for a quick read, I found myself wanting to go back and re-read certain entries and really savor them. The entries are listed in alphabetical order, so they do not tell the story of a relationship chronologically. This was a little confusing for me at first, but eventually I realized that the timeline didn't matter. The entries revealed the ups and downs of a relationship in brief snapshots of memories and feelings. This book is heartbreaking at times and humorous at others. Check this out if you are looking for a unique and rewarding reading experience!

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