May 18, 2011

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Jane's comments:
This book gave me a great look into the world during the Great Depression. The desperation for someone to keep their job, no matter how much it hurt them or others, was a perspective I have never before understood. This book had so many powerful messages: the power of love for your friends; the goodness of some people's hearts and the evil in others; taking pride in your work - no matter what that work is. It highlighted how much our society has learned in such little time for those with mental illness, and how we still struggle with addiction and how to treat it. I hope we are coming to a day when abuse is no longer tolerated in any circumstance - for humans or animals. Not only was the beating of Rosie very hard to read and the mental abuse Marlena endured, but to have to tolerate that kind of behavior in order to keep your job is unfathomable.

I won't ruin the ending for anyone who has not read the book (which I highly recommend before you see the movie), but I LOVED the ending! Yeah, Rosie the elephant!!! After reading this book, I can say for sure that I no longer want to run away to join the circus.

Adult Fiction, GRU

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