June 1, 2011

Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber

Kendra’s comments:

Cancer touches everyone in one way or another, either by dealing with the disease first hand or by watching a loved one deal with it.  The cause of cancer is still unknown, however, there are factors that exist between your environment and your chances of contracting the disease (smoking and lung cancer being the most widely known example).  The amount of research that exists regarding contraction of the disease, methods of prevention, treatment options, and techniques for minimizing the impact of the disease once it does hit is quite extensive, however.  Dr. Servan-Schreiber started studying this topic over fifteen years ago.  After he overcame his first bought of brain cancer, he had a relapse which required a second round of treatment.  Dr. Servan-Schreiber’s desire to never experience that horror again motivated him to look at all treatment options worldwide to see if there was anything more he could be doing to minimize the impact of the disease on his life.  He found that there were many more documented links between fixing your personal environment or terrain and the impact that cancer has on a patient than what was known by any of his personal physicians and oncologists.  While writing this book he studied over 350 professional journals in order to better define and back up the methods he adopted himself many years ago which he believes has kept the disease away while improving his life in many unexpected ways.  Anticancer is inspirational in that it provides hope to those who fear the disease and those dealing with it that there are often things they could be doing and habits they could be adopting to help minimize cancer’s effect on the body.  While it would take quite a lot of commitment to adopt all of the ideas highlighted in this book, several are common sense (like healthy eating and regular exercise) that we should be doing for our bodies anyway. 

I listened to this audiobook version of Anticancer.  It is available for checkout at Greenwood Public Library.   

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