June 25, 2011

My Reading Life by Pat Conroy

Kendra's comments:

Reading great books has the power to change your life, or that is the basic premise of Conroy’s autobiographical tale about his life as it relates to reading.  This delightful book showcases the ways literature and those who introduced him to it shaped the writer that Conroy eventually grew into being.

My Reading Life is a collection of stories told by a master storyteller. Conroy’s ability to paint a picture and draw you into the situation he is describing is phenomenal.  I love reading, and was able to relate to the emotion that Conroy expressed as he discussed his dependence and need for great literature in his life. My Reading Life has me going to the book shelves in search of the classics that I have missed in my own reading life, and I look forward to reading and extracting as much meaning and value as Conroy has over the years. 

I listened to the audiobook version, which is available at Greenwood Public Library along with the print copy and digital copies.  

Also available as a downloadable eBook or audiobook

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