Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if a plane crashed and marooned beauty queens on a desert island? To be honest, I have never asked myself that question, but I’m really glad Libba Bray contemplated such an absolute tragedy. Beauty queens, apparently, are terribly resilient. Determined to make the best of their horrible situation, Miss Texas, Taylor Hawkins, names herself team leader and kicks her fellow Miss Teen Dreamers into shape. First, according to Miss Texas, you practice for the Miss Teen Dream Pageant, and only after you’ve worked on your dance routine and judge’s questions do you hone your survival skills. Not only do the girls survive, but they learn that there is more to the world than just beauty…and their island. Strange lights appear in the distance and men in black shirts haunt the jungle. The Corporation, sponsor of the Miss Teen Dream Pageant (and just about everything else), is hiding a big secret, and the beauty queens have learned a little something about fighting back.
I’ve decided that I must make Libba Bray my new best friend. She fiercely imaginative, laugh out loud hilarious, and wickedly sarcastic. Beauty Queens is an absolute riot! Reading Bray’s novels are kind of an acquired taste in my opinion. They take time to read, but she packs so much into every line, but they are absolutely worth the effort. Beauty Queens is filled with moral dilemmas, deep questions, and hilarious teenage angst. If you have ever really asked yourself how beauty queens would survive on a desert island, consider Bray’s fun novel for an exceptional answer.
P.S. BEST. LINE. EVER. (pg 250)
“Adina’s been teaching us stuff at Smart School. Like about geography and real estate companies and feminism,” Tiara explained to the pirates.
“Cool,” said George.
“Yeah. It is.” She squinted in thought. “Do you think my new feminism makes me look fat?”
YA BRA (Also available as a downloadable MP3 audiobook)
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